078: 30 Days of Night (2007)

078: 30 Days of Night (2007)

Show Notes

Episode Synopsis

This week the Hack or Slash team finally gets down with vampires by unpacking 30 Days of Night (2007). The group reflects on the history of vampires in cinema, debates what a vampire version of "The Walking Dead" would be called, and ponders how vampires groom themselves. This episode contains spoilers.

Movie Details


Title: "30 Days of Night"

Run time: 1h 53m

Release Date: October 19, 2007 (USA)

Mentioned in the Episode

Stewie's Eulogy for Biscuit

30 Days of Night - Graphic Novel

Patreon Launch

We've recently launched our Patreon page so we could have a place for listener support. While we'll always be a non-profit show with no advertisements or official sponsors, we do need some help to keep it going. We are accepting support in the form of small monetary amounts ($1-$3) from our audience to put towards ongoing website fees, funding for new content, and equipment upgrades.

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Twitter Handles

Kris: @Rojawesome

Alexis: @HackorSlashLex

Ryan: @ryanfremeau

Mack: @mackorslash

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